Image"First five-year anniversary celebrated in style"

In 1988 Lee Towers celebrated his first five years in Ahoy' with once again EIGHT evenings. A key feature of this celebration was the stylish decoration of the set and the arena. Lee Towers took the daring step of performing "in the round" with a splendid stage, consisting of three enormous circular sets. After a spectacular opening by the Metropole orchestra, Lee Towers appeared in an enormous laser tunnel with "Here and Now".

In response to many requests, Jody's Singers, who had been the regular background choir for many years, played a prominent role. Once again, on this occasion, Lee Towers succeeded in surprising many people by inviting the Rotterdam singer Wim Koopmans as his special guest. But the unprecedented highlight proved to be the contribution from the jazz singer Madeline Bell with "I only wanna Laugh..." and the duet "Ebony and Ivory" with Lee.

During the Gala of the Year '88 exuberance made way for style and atmosphere. In a very special way Lee succeeded in transporting his audience into different ambiences. From the bleak Scottish2 Highlands with the well-known "Mull of Kintyre" [a duet with Edward Reekers] to the forbidding Spanish Andalusia in a splendid rendition of "The Boy from Nowhere" and "Granada". Towers' passion for country music found full expression during his swinging rendition of "Who's to Bless, who's to Blame", accompanied in inimitable fashion by the violinist Marcy Nokony and the virtuoso harmonica player Meindert Derks.

Naturally the public's well-known favourites also received ample attention. With a rapid succession of hits such as "Twenty Years Ago" [including a rotating stage], "I Can See Clearly Now" and "An American Popular Song". After the interval Lee surprised the audience with an ear-splitting performance of "Knock on Wood". The anniversary gala concluded in appropriate manner with Vera Lynn's world-famous "We'll Meet Again", thus creating a musical link to a further series of Gala of the Year concerts in Ahoy'.


(c) Copyright Lee Towers Productions BV 1999-2020

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